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Limit Page Visit
Compatibility: IE3+, NS3

After a specified time page will be closed or redirected or... something else


Print all images at once without text
Compatibility: Navigator 4.x and Explorer 4.x

The script will Print all images at once without text.


Top-of-page onDoubleClick
Compatibility: Navigator 4.x and Explorer 4.x

This will go to Top-of-page onDoubleClick of the mouse.


Page last modified
Compatibility: IE3+, NS3

With this script, the date that you last modified your page is automatically inserted onto your page


CSS Support Redirect
Compatibility: IE3+, NS3+

Cascading Style Sheets (CSS), supported in version 4.0 and new browsers, allows webmasters to have more control over how their sites are viewed. Because some visitors do browse with them turned off, this script checks if CSS is supported AND enabled -- If CSS is on, they are redirected to your CSS-enhanced page. Otherwise, they are sent to a normal page without CSS. Cool!


Reload on Resize
Compatibility: IE3+, NS3+

Useful for situations when a page resize moves the page elements improperly or causes JavaScript errors, which has been known to occasionally occur on pages with layers. As a solution, this script reloads the web page when the user resizes the page.


Page Extension
Compatibility: IE3+, NS3+

Displays a message based on the extension (like .html) of the web page. And, it is a breeze to add more file types to the script.


Count down then redirect
Compatibility: IE4+, NS4+

Real life earthquakes may induce sheer terror, but browser ones are a whole different story. Using DHTML, we've created an earthquake script that shakes the browser, simulating a quake effect. Use it to grab your visitor's attention, if nothing else.


Browser Earthquake!
Compatibility: IE4+, NS4+

Real life earthquakes may induce sheer terror, but browser ones are a whole different story. Using DHTML, we've created an earthquake script that shakes the browser, simulating a quake effect. Use it to grab your visitor's attention, if nothing else.


Dynamic Splash Screen effect
Compatibility: IE4+, NS4+

Yes, you may have seen splash screen effects before, but never one constructed using a single page only...until now, that is. One great feature of DHTML is its ability to render new text on a page without having to reload or go to a whole new page altogether. With that in mind, this DHTML script allows you to set up a splash screen effect through only one page, regardless of the number of messages you wish to have "splashed." The messages are automatically c entered on the page by the script. Once the effect is completed, the script then navigates to the URL of your choice. Definitely a useful- and now equally convenient to setup- creation! Note that when browsers other than IE 4+/ NS 4+ view the splash page, they will be directly taken to the destination URL (downgrades gracefully).


Disable right mouse click script
Compatibility: IE4+, NS4+

This is a cross browser DHTML script that will prevent the default right menu from popping up when the right mouse is clicked on the web page. Use it to stop surfers from easily saving your web page, viewing its source, or lifting images off your site when using either IE 4+ or NS 4+. Definitely useful for many site owners...


404 Referrer
Compatibility: IE3+, NS3+

Do you get lots of 404 "file not found" errors every time you change a file's name? Use this simple script to include in a HTML form (a hidden field) that contains the referring page's address. It's easy to correct bad links!


Bookmark Us!
Compatibility: IE3+, NS3+

(Internet Explorer Only) Allow your visitors to click one text link to quickly and easily add your site to their "Favorites." Don't let your visitors lose you because they forget to bookmark your site! (Netscape Users won't get any errors, but instead of the bookmark link, see a message reminding them to bookmark the site)


Break Frames
Compatibility: IE3+, NS3+

If a visitor comes to your site and is looking through frames, this script will automatically make the page 'break out' of frames. As an added bonus, it's only 8 lines of script!


Check URL
Compatibility: IE3+, NS3+

This script is particularly useful for those who have their site on a free webspace provider, then use a "come.to" redirecting service. What this script will do is analyze the URL the visitor is at, and if they did not came to your site via the redirecting URL, it can print out a message telling them that is your new URL. Neat!


Close Window
Compatibility: IE3+, NS3+

JavaScript can close a window when you push a button or click a text link. Super-short script too!


Color Chart
Compatibility: IE3+, NS3+

JavaScript can print out 8 tables with the 512 "standard" colors and their corresponding "#RRGGBB" values. This sure makes picking colors easy! Wow!


Email Address Protector
Compatibility: IE3+, NS3+

Here's a clever way to prevent email address collecting "robots" from grabbing your email address while still making your address available to your visitors.


Fake Counter
Compatibility: IE3+, NS3+

If you don't quite have the traffic you'd like to your site, you can use your own fake page counter! Funny! Just don't get too carried away when you set the multiplier.... :-)


Image Load
Compatibility: IE3+, NS3+

Notifies the user is an image on your site fails to load properly or if it is aborted when loading. Definitely an excellent example of the onAbort and onError image event handlers in use. Please note that in the script example we intentionally included a 'broken image' that fails to load properly to display the script in use.


Last Modified
Compatibility: IE3+, NS3+

When you just can't stand to look at another 'Last Updated: Feb 02 1998 14:12:56:10' Script, give this script a try. It'll write to the page in the format, 'Last Updated February 2 1998' This looks much better!


Link of Minute
Compatibility: IE3+, NS3+

JavaScript will create a link that will change depending on the minute of the hour! You can add as many entries as you want! It's great!


Load in Frames
Compatibility: IE3+, NS3+

When other sites link directly to a page of your frames site that should be viewed inside your frames, you can foil them with this script. It will reload that page inside your frames!


Logo Branding
Compatibility: IE3+, NS3+

Have you seen the floating logo on Geocities sites? How would you like to have your own logo floating in the corner of your site? This script does just that! Awesome!


Netscape Source Image
Compatibility: NS3+

When visitors using Netscape right-click your web page and select "View Source" or go to the View menu bar and select "View -> Page Source" the entire source code of your page is displayed. Interestingly enough, it's possible to actually insert an image into Netscape's view source page instead of just having text. When Netscape users view the source of your page, they see an image as well as the source code! Your image could tell the visitor that they are not allowed to view this source code, for example. A very simple but very clever script, indeed.


New Links
Compatibility: IE3+, NS3+

Displaying links as new for a few weeks after adding them is great. But, adding, removing, and updating that "New" icon for each link is pointless! Let JavaScript do your work for you! Just add a small code (less than 40 characters) next to each link with the date you want it to expire, and it will automatically display the "New" icon until the expiration date. What a time-saver!


No Right Click
Compatibility: IE4+, NS4+

(4.0+ browsers) Ever wanted to prevent users from "borrowing" images from your site through right-clicking them and "save image as..." or right-clicking the page and viewing your page source? This script will (attempt to) disable the right click on your page! As explained, however, this script is not fool-proof !!


Page Variable
Compatibility: IE3+, NS3+

Not exactly the most used script, but this one allows you to reference the page name in a variable. Instead of yourdomain.com/index.html, you can use this script to create a variable that stores index.html for your use! You can use it with alerts, document.write, etc. Take a look!


Page Viewed Date
Compatibility: IE3+, NS3+

I think it's always interesting to see some information about the page itself. This JavaScript will write out when the page was viewed, according to the visitor's clock.


Page Up For
Compatibility: IE3+, NS3+

JavaScript can even display how long your web page has been online. Just enter the date, the script does the calculations, and prints out the time. It has a very nice readout and looks very professional!


Protect Images
Compatibility: IE4+, NS4+

(4.0+ browsers) Keep visitors from stealing your site images by right-clicking and then selecting "Save Image As..." This script will disable the right click on all the images on your site. Not foolproof, but helpful!


Share A Page
Compatibility: IE3+, NS3+

If you would like to have several sites sharing one 'contact us' page, you can! Each site can link to the same page (but each with a unique string) and the appropriate site's information will be highlighted yellow in the contact table. For example, If they clicked on the 'contact us' link on the real estate page, the table cell with the real estate contact email address will be highlighted yellow instead of white on the contact us page. Clever!


Time Box
Compatibility: IE3+, NS3+

This is a neat little script that makes your web page look a whole lot more 'professional'. This JavaScript will display a small box with the time the visitor loaded the page.


Top Window
Compatibility: IE3+, NS3+

Use this JavaScript to keep a window 'on top' of the rest of your other windows. Not sure what I mean? Try it out and see!